Hacks & Tutorials

How To Become A Better Writer By Finding Creativity Within Constraints

Lately, an interesting writing app has been making the rounds. It’s called Hemingway, and it promises to “make your writing bold and clear”. The way it works is that you type or paste in a few paragraphs, and then the app will try to highlight long and complicated sentences, unnecessary adverbs and overgenerous use of…


9 Things You Should Know About Cologne’s Carnival

Cologne’s Carnival, also known as the Fifth Season, is one of the more strange and colorful events in Germany, attracting tourists from all over the world. From extravagant costumes, biting political satire that doesn’t shy away from even the most controversial topics, to non-stop music, mandatory drunkenness and dancing, the festival is a feast for…

Hacks & Tutorials

3 Ways To Start Learning How To Code

Knowing how to code is becoming an increasingly important skill for many different fields of expertise. Software is everywhere: in our cars, telephones, books and even refrigerators. While learning to code is not a magic bullet to land the perfect job, it can nevertheless be an great asset in many different situations. Especially for people…


Find German Language Games on Steam

When I first started gaming back in the nineties in Germany, there weren’t too many games around in my native language. While most adventure games were eventually translated into German, the English originals were simply much easier to come by. So I took the challenge and made my way through the first Monkey Island and…


False Friends: 5 German Words That Don’t Mean What You Think They Do

What are “false friends”? German and English are both Germanic languages, so they not only share many grammatical features but also have a lot of similar words. For example, when you know English and you hear the German word “Haus” you immediately know what it means: house. The spelling is different, but it sounds exactly…

Online Business

Streamline Your Podcasting Workflow With Auphonic Audio Post Processing

Podcasting can be a great way to get in touch with your audience in a different way. Whether you’re an independent teacher offering weekly study tips or an indie publisher sharing tools and strategies, podcasts make it easier to communicate your message in a direct and very personal manner. There are many different programs and…


30 German Movies For Kids, Adults & Cinephiles

Learning German with stories is an effective and fun way to practice and enjoy yourself at the same time. Learning German with movies is another excellent strategy for immersion. Today, I’d like to present a number of German movies for learners (in no particular order). Where available, I’ve added vocabulary and exercise resources to help…


German Gamebooks For German Learners

A Brief History of Gamebooks Gamebooks & (Language) Learning Where to find good gamebooks? Free Online Gamebooks in Your Browser A Fantasy Trilogy for German Learners A Brief History of Gamebooks Gamebooks (“Spielbücher” in German), or “choose your own adventure” books, as they’re often called, were all the rage in the 70s and 80s. The…

Hacks & Tutorials

How To Create Custom Bit.ly Links

Shortlinks have been with us for a number of years now. Whether it’s bit.ly, tinyurl, or another service, URL shortening has risen in popularity together with Twitter, where every character counts and the only good link is a short link. But besides shortening, another reason for using short links is to beautify long and ugly URLs….

Hacks & Tutorials

Create Your Own Flashcards For Kindle

Flashcards are a time-tested tool of memorizing almost anything, from new vocabulary and technical terms to copious amounts of trivia facts. And nowadays we don’t even need to waste paper for creating them. There are many apps that allow you to create your own flashcards. If you own the new Kindle Paperwhite, there’s even an…

Indie Publishing

Turn Your Research Paper Into A Book: 5 Reasons To Self-Publish Your Work

Recently, I stumbled over an old research paper I had written in university. The term paper (a short treatise on classical perceptions of melancholy as a disease of the “four temperaments”) had survived on a backup copy of my website, stowed away on a disused hard-drive. And surprisingly, as much as I had sweated over…