Since the launch of German Chat Stories last year I’ve been toying around with various ideas and genres that might fit this format. One idea that has been kicking around in the back of my mind for a while was to do something in the fantasy genre. It came with some interesting implications. If knights…
NEW: Introducing German Chat Stories For Beginners & Beyond
Storytelling can be a powerful way to learn a new language. You easily pick up new words from context, get a natural feel for the rhythm and most importantly, it’s a lot of fun. For a couple of years now, I’ve been experimenting with taking this simple but powerful method my books are based on…
Die Küchenuhr – Wolfgang Borchert (1921-1947)
Introduction “Die Küchenuhr” (The Kitchen Clock), first published in 1947, is a popular short story by the renowned German writer Wolfgang Borchert (1921-1947), known for his powerful works that capture the profound impact of war on individuals and society. Borchert himself was deeply affected by his experiences as a soldier in World War II and…
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Learn German with Aesop’s Fables: Belling The Cat
Einmal hielten die Mäuse eine Versammlung ab. Sie suchten nach einem Plan, um sie endgültig von ihrem Feind, der Katze, zu befreien. Zumindest wollten sie wissen, wann sie kam, damit sie Zeit hatten wegzulaufen. Es musste wirklich etwas getan werden, denn sie lebten in solch ständiger Angst vor ihren Klauen, dass sie kaum noch wagten,…
7 Literary Classics In Simplified German
How do you make the leap from studying German textbooks, flipping flashcards and poring over worksheets to reading (and enjoying) classic literature? Even native speakers who make their first acquaintance with the classics in high school often find themselves bewildered by archaic vocabulary and convoluted nested sentences. Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence,…
Learning German with Stories: The Short & Funny Tales Of The Schildbürger
Let’s escape our current timeline for a bit, shall we? Let’s travel back in time to the Middle Ages, to the fabulous city of Schilda somewhere in the middle of Germany. Its inhabitants were called “Schildbürger”, i.e. the citizens of Schilda. They were strange people. Everything they did, they did wrong. And everything they were…

25+ Easy German Short Stories To Boost Your Reading Skills
Fairytales in simplified german German Prankster Stories, Folk Tales & Fables An Interactive Messenger Story René Goscinny in German(re-narration) Mark Twain in German (re-narration) The Greedy Dog and other German fables Post-WWII German short stories Short Stories, Novels & More From The Goethe Institute Learning German with stories is one of the most effective ways…
7 Sources Of Free German Ebooks For Learners
One of the best ways to acquire new vocabulary and see all the bits and pieces of German grammar in the wild, while having enough time to take it all in, is reading books in German. You don’t have to fiddle with rewind controls or beg your conversation partner to please slow down — you can…
9 Free Bilingual German-English Books To Boost Your Reading Comprehension
Alice im Wunderland Die Verwandlung 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer German English Visual Bilingual Dictionary Jane Eyre. Eine Autobiographie Der Hund von Baskerville Der Untergang des Hauses Usher Der selbstsüchtige Riese Life of Basil – Das Leben von Basilikum Reading German short stories or novels can be a great way to quickly expand your vocabulary…
Learn German With Comics: 17 German Comics – Classics & Contemporary
Learning a language, any language, is hard. Especially when it comes to learning German, with all the endless grammar rules and exceptions, you’ll need to find ways to make your language study fun. And comics can be a great way to practice your text comprehension skills. Here are three reasons why comics are great language learning…
10 Ways To Find Simple German Texts and Stories For Beginners Online
Reading can be a great way to learn a language, but it’s not always easy to find texts which are both simple and interesting enough, especially for beginners. When you ask people for easy-to-read German texts, they will often recommend children stories, or books for young adults. That’s a great idea, but not everyone will want to read about…