Category: News


Dino Does Dresden! A Learn German With Stories New-Release (Ebook & Paperback)

I know many of you have been waiting for this, so first things first: the 9th book in the Dino lernt Deutsch series is out now and you can get it on Kindle, as a Paperback or directly from our website. The Story Behind These Stories Over the last 15 years of teaching German, French, English and Spanish to…


Introducing The Learn German With Stories Super-Bundle Set (PDF, ePUB, MOBI, MP3 + Flashcards)

This bundle is now updated to include later episodes as well If you’re following the newsletter you might have heard that now finally all 8 episodes of our Learn German With Stories series Dino lernt Deutsch are available as audiobook editions. In other words, you can now read every episode from Café in Berlin to Zurück in Zürich as…


Compact Discs From The Cloud: A Story Of Lasers and Ink

Once Upon a Time … It’s now almost 20 years ago since my friend Nico (aka Thunder) and I released our first music album of painstakingly programmed beats and harmonies. It was a time when computers were still bulky beige boxes and the chirpy sounds they emitted were a far cry from the high definition audio of modern…


3 Ways to Use Smartphones To Learn Foreign Languages By Reading Books

There are many ways in which smartphones have come to encroach on our ability to enjoy some quiet time with a good book or even replaced the pulp in our life all together. The sense of immediate gratification — or should I say procrastination — and the constant stream of notifications can make periods of uninterrupted…


Looking for Justice – A Parable

They speak about someone who lost his way. And as the evening approaches he reaches a great cave. He enters the cave and the cave is filled with candles. He turns around, squints his eyes and aks, surprised by the way his voice sounds in the hollow of the cave: “Hello! Is there anybody here?”…