Online Business

Turning Tutors into Millionaires: The “Celebrity Teachers” from Hong Kong

What if Lady Gaga helped your child to prepare for that next English test? Imagine hiring Justin Bieber for an hour of homework help. How much would they charge for one lesson? But in Hong Kong, it’s not that the stars are teaching. Here, the teachers themselves are the stars. They earn up to $1.5 million…

Online Teaching

Watching Youtube Videos Without The Distractions [TEACHER’S TOOLBOX]

Whether we love YouTube for its endless amount of funny cat videos or hate it for its often vile and hostile comment-sections, we all use it. If you are a teacher you know that a successful lesson is based on both good planning and a certain amount of improvisation. Sometimes you prepare a video to…

Online Business

How To Grow Your Online (Teaching) Business Without Becoming a Self-Promoter

Leaving the Sinking Ship I’ve heard many times from my colleagues that they feel society doesn’t give enough respect to their teaching efforts and that this is reflected in their salaries and in the way schools are organized. Classes are over-filled. Budgets are cut. Staff is overworked. This is why many teachers are starting to…

Social Media

Why You Shouldn’t Base Your Business or Your Online Experience on Facebook Only

The Internet is a big place. Sometimes it feels so big that we get tired of exploring, ploughing through endless fields of data, looking for fertile ground to build our businesses and grow personal relationships. Which makes us look for that comfortable corner, a familiar place where we meet our friends. And can return to…

Online Teaching

The Top 3 Myths About Online Teaching

1. Online Teaching is impersonal In 2010 I wrote: “One of the most common responses I get when I tell people what I do (teaching & coaching online), is that they say they would miss the “real connection” to people around them. That this would not be for them, because they need a personal connection to people!”…

Online Teaching

A Book That Was ‘No Book At All’

Once upon a time, a book was published which, to some people, was “no book at all”. This is how the story goes: In 1969, the author Idries Shah retold the ancient legend of a man with a big book that contained only very little writing and people who were very upset that it contained so…


Top Five Historical April Fools’ Jokes

It’s that time of the year again! While Google, Hulu, Youtube and others are playing virtual pranks on their users, let’s pause for a moment and look back into the marvelous history of April Fools’ pranks. Here is my unordered list of nominees for the top five April Fools’ hoaxes. Ever. (feel free to add…

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A Brief Introduction to Language Change

The abbreviations OMG, FYI, and LOL are now officially part of the Oxford dictionary. Does that mean you should write academic papers with titles like “OMG, Hamlet was bi-polar” or start every sentence in your job application with FYI? Maybe not. But it’s important to note that people sometimes get very emotional or opinionated about those…

Online Teaching

Three Ways to Leave a Legacy in the Land of Online Learning

In my last post I talked about the fundamentals of becoming an online teacher without supporting huge investor-fueled teaching platforms or business practices you don’t agree with, don’t understand or simply don’t care about. Today I want to talk further about how you can establish your own legacy instead of indirectly fueling an impersonal brand…

Online Business

How to Become an Online Teacher Without Selling Your Soul

This is what I asked myself one and a half years ago. I had this deep gut-feeling that it must be possible. The first thing I did was research. Google presented me with a selection of socalled online teaching platforms, websites, where you can sign up as teacher or student, create profiles, courses etc. So, what…


Online Education for Children via Skype

When I started teaching online, I was sceptical. I had been working many years in classrooms with blackboards, carrying books and scrawling remarks with red ink into the margins of exercise sheets. How could all that be possibly replaced by a computer? A lifeless machine? What I found is that it can’t be replaced, instead…