Welcome to the wonderfully bewildering world of German nouns, where things are not always quite as they seem. Understanding the basics of these linguistic elements will quickly unlock the door to more complex grammar topics. We’re here to make sure this doesn’t turn into a Pandora’s box kind of deal! So, let’s break it down…
The Subtle Art Of German Modal Particles
Imagine German conversation as an intricate dance, where words and phrases gracefully intertwine to create a harmonious flow. Amidst this dance, there’s a group of tiny elements that subtly change the vibe, adding color and nuance. These are the German modal particles, inconspicuous little words that have the power to lightly shift or completely transform…
Mastering German Word Order: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide
Have you ever felt like putting German words together is a bit like trying to assemble furniture without the instruction manual? You’re not alone! The topic of German word order may seem daunting at first, but once you understand core mechanics and principles, it gets a lot easier. The trick is to know what to…
The Ultimate Guide to German Prepositions For Beginners
Introduction Learning German can be challenging, especially when it comes to grammar topics like prepositions. These little words can change the meaning of a sentence drastically, and in my experience as a German teacher, after declension and word order it’s one of the main topics beginners are struggling with. In this article, we will dive…
A Graphical German Grammar
Scaling the craggy cliffs of Mount Grammar is a lifelong challenge for most German learners. And unfortunately there are no easy shortcuts. (Believe me, if there were, we’d have found them by now!) Many paths lead over this often frustratingly complex terrain. Which one to take? Where to start? Well, it all depends on your…
Language Learning Is Dead, Long Live Language Learning!
“In the future, noone will have to learn languages,” my grandpa said and adjusted his ski goggles. “With the help of technology you’ll one day be able to speak and understand every tongue on earth.” We were inching our way up over a steep ridge deep in the French Alps, the chair lift swaying and creaking in…
7 Ways To Learn German with ChatGPT
AI chatbots can be an amazing tool for language learning, especially if you’re studying on your own. There are several potential benefits to using AI chatbots for language learning, such as providing personalized and customized instruction, allowing learners to practice their language skills in a interactive and engaging way, and offering instant feedback and correction….
New Release: Dino lernt Deutsch Collector’s Edition (Books 9-12)
After the release of my latest book Sturm auf Sylt I’ve received many emails asking about the next Dino lernt Deutsch Collector’s Edition (9-12), and I’m happy to report that after more than a month of (re)formatting, pixel-herding and code-wrangling, it’s finally ready! As always you can get it as a Kindle edition, Paperback, or (for the first time) directly from…
New Release: Dino lernt Deutsch Volume 12
Dino lernt Deutsch episode 12 Sturm auf Sylt is finally here! 🥳 It’s currently available on Amazon (as Paperback or Kindle edition), Apple Books or directly from our store as a digital download: Get Book As always, the book comes with custom English-German vocabularies for each chapter, quick comprehension quizzes, original illustrations and free flashcards…
How To Learn German Grammar By Yourself
Recently I received an interesting question by Ollie Lovell from Breakthru Languages about how to learn German grammar on your own. Since this is a probably a question many of you have, I wanted to talk a bit about this issue today. If you’re already participating in a structured course or working with a tutor, you’ll naturally be exposed…