Posts tagged: bot


German Nouns: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to the wonderfully bewildering world of German nouns, where things are not always quite as they seem. Understanding the basics of these linguistic elements will quickly unlock the door to more complex grammar topics. We’re here to make sure this doesn’t turn into a Pandora’s box kind of deal! So, let’s break it down…


Mastering German Word Order: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever felt like putting German words together is a bit like trying to assemble furniture without the instruction manual? You’re not alone! The topic of German word order may seem daunting at first, but once you understand core mechanics and principles, it gets a lot easier. The trick is to know what to…


The Ultimate Guide to German Prepositions For Beginners

Introduction Learning German can be challenging, especially when it comes to grammar topics like prepositions. These little words can change the meaning of a sentence drastically, and in my experience as a German teacher, after declension and word order it’s one of the main topics beginners are struggling with. In this article, we will dive…


Learn German with Aesop’s Fables: Belling The Cat

Einmal hielten die Mäuse eine Versammlung ab. Sie suchten nach einem Plan, um sie endgültig von ihrem Feind, der Katze, zu befreien. Zumindest wollten sie wissen, wann sie kam, damit sie Zeit hatten wegzulaufen. Es musste wirklich etwas getan werden, denn sie lebten in solch ständiger Angst vor ihren Klauen, dass sie kaum noch wagten,…