Posts tagged: tutorials

Hacks & Tutorials

How To Create Custom Links

Shortlinks have been with us for a number of years now. Whether it’s, tinyurl, or another service, URL shortening has risen in popularity together with Twitter, where every character counts and the only good link is a short link. But besides shortening, another reason for using short links is to beautify long and ugly URLs….

Hacks & Tutorials

Introduction to Regular Expressions For Indie Publishers (Open Office)

One of the perks of being an indie publisher is that you can do everything your way, from manuscript formatting to cover design and marketing approach. But it’s also one of the downsides of being an indie publisher. Perhaps you can afford to hire an intern, but chances are that you’ll have to keep your…

Hacks & Tutorials

How To Create Ebooks With Open Source Software: #4 The Cover

[PART #1] – [PART #2] – [PART #3] Welcome to the fourth part in our short series about creating ebooks with open source tools. (If you missed the last one, click here). Today I’d like to talk a bit about cover design. To many people design is a matter of taste, but it’s much more than that….

Hacks & Tutorials

How To Create Ebooks With Open Source Software: #3 Conversion & Preview

[PART #1] – [PART #2] – [PART #4] Welcome to the third and final part of our short ebook creation guide. After going on and on about the importance of styles, today I’ll finally show you how to get your ebook converted to MOBI or EPUB, files that you can easily upload to the Amazon…

Hacks & Tutorials

How To Create Ebooks With Open Source Software: #2 Structure & Flow

[PART #1] – [PART #3] – [PART #4] Welcome back to the second part of our little ebook making course. For those who missed it, here’s a  link to the first part: # 1 Manuscript Styles Some of you might wonder why we started out by talking about styles. Maybe they seem to make certain formatting tasks a…

Hacks & Tutorials

How To Create Ebooks With Open Source Software: #1 Manuscript Styles

[PART #2] – [PART #3] – [PART #4] We live in a time where almost anyone on the planet can create, publish and sell books (or other media) without any insurmountable technical or financial preconditions. There are already many tutorials out there how to make ebooks. Each one has its own approach. In this short series, I would like…